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- Misty morning on the Somerset Levels
Westhay nature reserve near Glastonbury is a beautiful place – more so at the start and end of the day when the light and atmosphere is changing in exciting ways. No sign of the recent Osprey, nor the Bearded reedlings. A short-lived view of a kingfisher and an encounter with a Roe Deer was the extent of the wildlife encountered this morning. Clearly Autumn is here and enforcing its presence in more visible and tangible ways.
- View from the beach….
#clevedon #Landscape
- Watching the sun go down
A good evening to watch the sun go down on Clevedon beach – illuminating the pier with a backdrop of dramatic clouds tinged with a little pink. #clevedon #Landscape #Sunset
- Good words
It was good to receive my “Birthday Bible verse” from my friend Mary Bea Miller. Psalm 119:73-80 “With Your very own hands You formed me; Now breathe Your wisdom over me so I can understand You. Give me sense to heed Your laws. When others see how You treat me, let them be glad, for Your words are entwined within my heart. Lord, I know that Your judgments are always right. Even when it’s me You judge, You’re still faithful and true. Now let Your loving-kindness comfort me, just as You promised. Surround me with Your tender mercies that I may live. For Your law is my delight. Comfort me so I can really live; Your revelation is the tune that makes me dance. Let the fast-talking tricksters be exposed as frauds; They tried to sell me a bill of goods, but I kept my mind fixed on You. Join us together, all of us who love You. Make us into a lovely unified reflection of You, as we follow Your instruction. Let my heart be whole. Help me to love Your every wish and I will never have to be ashamed.” It prompted me to return to some other good words that have become important to me recently: I want to be a trail-blazer for the ordinary, everyday life. seeing beauty in the moment by becoming fluent in the language of the God Who is here, Who is now from the poem “God Gazer” 2010 Malcolm Duncan That is what my photography is about.
- Now here on WordPress
OldparsonArt launches with this website and blog. I am a dedicated photographer of the environment, weather, landscape and its inhabitants, I have assembled a collection of awe-inspiring images for my website. Many in colour, but a number in black & white – a medium which suits my love of the dramatic in photography. Starting from these photographs, I have produced linocuts and woodcuts as well as sculptures in wood. Each of these inspired by what I have seen on my many walks in the Somerset region and beyond. I like to use large prints of the photographs help convey the feeling of being in the place, many of these in a wide, panoramic format. My WordPress store will be coming soon, meanwhile my photographs can be purchased on my Thinkphoto site here: and my sculptures and linocuts can be bought on Etsy. A good photograph begins with knowing where to stand – Ansel Adams The Green Bridge – Pembrokeshire. Rarely accessible as it is on Ministry of Defence property, we had a glorious summers day to visit. Plenty of seabirds to see and photograph too – there are some on the left hand rock. I love the deep colours in this image and the sense of flying over the cliff.